Debbie Gordon
Feb 29, 2020
We all have things that we love, things that help us destress and handle life. One of my loves is skating. It has been something I have...
Debbie Gordon
Feb 15, 2020
Sometimes God sends people into our lives that are our soulmates. It often happens when we least expect it. They are people we never...
Debbie Gordon
Feb 14, 2020
Sometimes God sends people into our lives that are our soulmates. It often happens when we least expect it. They are people that we never...
Debbie Gordon
Feb 11, 2020
Destroying Words
Words. There are positive words and destructive words. It was a day where I needed to hear positive words and thankfully I received...
Debbie Gordon
Feb 2, 2020
A Box
A Box has four sides but the thought of a box with sides that expand like latex has been reminding me of how I see myself. God has given...
Debbie Gordon
Feb 1, 2020
A Box has four sides but the thought of a box with sides that expand like latex has been reminding me of how I see myself. God has given...