Debbie Gordon
Jul 27, 2019
Last week was a week where one word seemed to be the theme of the week, demanding. It started with a family crisis I had to intervene on...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 23, 2019
Pilot or Copilot?
Recently, I was having a conversation with God. As I thought about my day and my life, the image of a plane entered my mind and once...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 23, 2019
Pure Tones
For years I have been talking to God about my issue with modern music. It has come to the point where I am often found standing out in...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 13, 2019
Our Words
Words. A story has been playing through my mind. Words continue to fill my mind as I think of memories. One memory of long ago flooded...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 11, 2019
AÂ Daniel Movement
Daily I attempt to have a quiet time with God and journal which is one of my ways of praying. However, today the vision of Daniel praying...

Debbie Gordon
Jul 6, 2019
I grew up with cats until the orange cat I received for my sixteenth birthday died when I was a senior in college. After that I no...