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With God and a Single Parent Miracles Happen

The motto for my life is with God and a single parent, miracles happen. But the reality is that the formula is the same for all of us. With God, nothing is impossible for any of us. He has the power to do mighty things in all of our lives. God has the power to do great things for each of us. This motto has always been mine. I'm not seeking large miracles when I say this; I am also referring to the reality that God has the ability to meet my daily needs.

A few days ago, I went to the store to get a wheelbarrow so that I could do my gardening more easily. I came out of the store with the wheelbarrow that I wanted. However, I have a car and was struggling to find a way to tuck it into my car to take it home. It wouldn't fit in the truck. I couldn't get it in the back seat, and it wouldn't fit in the front passenger seat. As I sat there trying to come up with a solution, a small prayer entered my mind. Suddenly, two men got out of their car and headed towards me as the rain began pelting us.

"Would you like some help?" One of the men asked.

"Sure!" I responded.

"I couldn't watch you struggling anymore," the man said. "I had to help you."

"Can you pull your seats down?" He asked.

"I think so," I said.

I opened the door of my car and the trunk, and they helped me pull the seats down.

Then they tried as I had to put the wheelbarrow in the trunk. Even with the seats down, it was impossible to get it in.

They tried to fit in into the car and failed again.

Finally, they rolled the wheelbarrow over to see if they could take the standoff of it.

"Yep," I replied. "I figured if that came off, it might fit, but I don't have any tools with me."

"Just a minute," the man said. "Let me look in my truck. I may have some."

When he left, I prayed. "Lord, help the tools work."

The man beside me said it will be a miracle if it works.

The man tried the first tool, and amazingly it fit on the nuts.

"Wow!" the man beside me said.

I wasn't surprised because I had asked God to help us. He answered my prayers. "I prayed I told the man beside me."

Soon the nuts were loosened, and the stand was removed and placed the wheelbarrow inside my trunk.

"Thank you so much for your help! I was a true blessing!" I told the men

I left the store smiling. God had answered my need that day in the parking lot of Home Depot.


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