A God Moment

Grief has its moments where it shows its face even now almost thirty years since my boyfriend's death. But it comes out of nowhere at times that are least expected. Today was one of those days. Periodically, I am required to review my CPR. Lately, this has meant that I have to practice on Mannequins that are connected to computers. I don't find it very helpful as the system is temperamental. However, it is something I have to do. This morning I had to do my practice again and my compressions were not registering. I had to redo, redo, redo, and redo the module on the adult mannequin. I was sweating and my hands were fatigued. However, I continued. As I struggled through the process a man came in and began talking to me. After watching me struggle over and over again with the compressions, he asked if I'd like help. I agreed to accept his help so he came over to help me. Thankfully I finally passed and finished the process. As I left though, I couldn't help thinking about Larry. This man's gesture and background made me think of Larry all those years ago. He was always coming along at just the right time to help me. Today I needed help and God provided for my needs. But I couldn't help thinking about those amazing years that I had with Larry and tears began flowing from my eyes. Yet, I was thankful again today for the help God provided to me.
Maybe today you were triggered by something that happened in your life. That's the way it goes with grief and hurts that we face in this life. My prayer is that God will fill you with the help, strength, and comfort you need today. May the heartache and hurt in your heart and mind be comforted by the loving arms of God.