
Fear. Peace. Two polar opposite words have been toying with my mind recently. The panic around me just seems to be escalating with each and every day, and I just can’t join it. I have had to step away from the media. I can choose fear, or I can choose peace and sanity. The choice is mine.
In all of my recovery work, I have learned to listen to the voice of God. He comforts, loves, provides hope, fills us with joy, encourages us, fills us with faith, and causes us to be courageous. Satan fills us with worry, fear, anxiety, hatred, loneliness, anger, depression, insanity, and impatience. All of Satan’s emotions are negative ones, but all of God's are positive ones. I choose to be filled with hope, peace, joy, and sanity.
God has us and this situation in His hands. I choose to trust God, to pray for the people God brings into my path, and to pray for our world. My focus will continue to be on God, no matter what is going on around me.
What are you choosing, fear or peace? The choice is yours. My prayer is that you will cling to God in this time of uncertainty because He provides all of the things that will fill you with sanity, comfort, and peace even in the upheaval in our world today with the Corona Virus. John 14:27 says, "My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." May God fill each of you with His peace today.