
Stuck. That word is what my life was like two years ago. I had reached my limit. For years I helped everyone but I drained myself in the process. I also allowed myself to stay in unhealthy places and situations where I was continually criticized and treated negatively. Early on I learned unhealthy coping strategies to handle my stress and I was turning to these techniques more and more. Self destruction was like a drug. It numbed the pain but it didn't stop my life from spiraling out of control. Codependency kept me stuck. I allowed myself to be like a rug that was continually trampled on by negative and critical people and situations that I allowed into my life. I was miserable. My life had become unmanageable. In desperation I cried out to God for help. Things got worse before they got better. But this was the beginning of God changing me. He opened the doors for me to attend Celebrate Recovery. It was there that I learned principles and steps that began to change my life. Chains began to break. Patterns in my life began to change. Two months later the self destructive tendencies that I'd struggled with my entire life were taken completely away. God began to change me inside and out. Habits that I'd been unable to break were suddenly removed from my life. I began to acquire healthier strategies to manage my stress and pain. The heaviness I'd been feeling was replaced with peace and happiness. My life became manageable and hope flowed into my life again.
Maybe your life is in the place mine was two years ago. God wants to bring hope, joy and peace to you. My prayer is that you will reach out to Him for the help you need. I promise you that He has a solution for your difficulties. There is a way out of your pain. He has a door and a path that is right for you. May you follow His lead and lean into His arms. Nothing is too hard for God to do.