
For a long time I allowed myself to stay in unhealthy situations where I was torn down, trampled on and unappreciated. One day God allowed a huge disappointment to happen to me that resulted in my decision to close that door behind me forever and open new doors. But the pain of that day and that event hurt deeply. Yet, God used it as a catalyst for me to be placed into positive places and to become acquainted with healthier people who encouraged and inspired me. It was the beginning of changes in my life. Since that time God has been teaching me and healing me from a lifetime of codependency. Little by little God continues to work on me and help me develop healthier friendships and remove unhealthy ones. It is a learning process but I am watching my life slowly change. I am now surrounded with more positives and less negatives. There is peace and sanity in my life now.
Are you feeling trampled on, unappreciated and discouraged? Are your friends tearing you down or building you up? Are you allowing people to take advantage of you? Or are you allowing people to abuse you? Maybe it’s time to evaluate your relationships and make changes. We do not have to stay in harmful situations or places where we are continuously torn down. Is it time to step away? My prayer is that God will give you the strength to step away from places and people that are unhealthy. God wants all of us to be happy.