Prayer Warriors

Prayer has defined so much of my life over the years. I have watched God do miracuous things because of prayer. Mountains in my life that I could never have fathomed falling down have been literally bulldozed down through the power of prayer. I have been part of many prayer groups and friends have taught me so much about prayer. Last year my prayer life blossomed when I again joined a prayer team with two friends who taught me the importance of fasting and praying. A few months later I joined another prayer group with friends and it has been such a blessing. In this new group while we were praying God impressed on my mind a vision He had. That night a prayer ministry was formed. God laid on my heart the need for a global prayer ministry. A vision took root in my mind and we are slowly laying the groundwork. Where it will lead only God knows. But I know He will lead with the process of bringing it to fuition. My prayer is that God will raise up prayer warriors throughout this world.