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I Need Help

I am a very independent person and manage to shoulder a ton of responsibilities myself. Of course God is there to help me but over the past nineteen years I have moved mountains that many would have run from. It hasn't been an easy process. There have been many days where I've cried thinking about the difficulties I faced. There didn't seem to be light at the end of my tunnel. What I seemed to face were fires that lit my tunnel. Just when I got one out another one would appear almost singing my body. All I've done for years is to extinguish fires and the fire fighter in me is exhausted. Despite my valiant efforts I couldn't extinguish all those fires without help. I tried to find support and I did but I needed hundreds of helpers so the small amount that I had wasn't enough to extinguish and resolve everything. Now I stand in the middle of a raging fire. My body is bone weary and my lips are parched. Work leaves me feeling stressed out and anxious because of the internal stress I have been under for so many years. I desperately need a break, a change of scenery and a fresh start. And I need help. This is something I am praying about and asking God to lead with. Today we came home to someone mowing our lawn. Although I would rather do the work myself and save our money for the many renovations we need to complete, God told me today not to worry. He will provide for our needs. I need help now more than ever as my body is too worn out to function. Last weeks mowing resulted in my sleeping for the remainder of the afternoon. My spirit is willing but my body is weak. It is time I trust that God will lead and provide for my needs. God is telling me that it's okay to say, "I need help." And when I do miracles happen.

Is it time for you to say to God, "I need help?" Don't be afraid. God is eager and willing to help you today. Isaiah 41:13 says, "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." God is there to help us.

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