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Peace Be Still

Months ago I was going through a ton of trials in my life. It seemed like every way I turned I was faced with incredible difficulties. Peace seemed to be elusive and I was growing more and more exhausted and stressed. Even church was filled with turmoil. I was holding onto the rocky precipice by my fingernails. In tears and desperation I was reminded of the story found in Matthew 8:23-27. The disciples and Jesus had crossed over the lake on a boat and Jesus was fast asleep. A huge storm came and His disciples wrestled with it. The wind was harsh and water was filling their boat and yet their master slept peacefully. As the waves worsened and the severity of the storm increased they became frightened so they woke up Jesus and cried out to Him. "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" Hearing their cries it says, "Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "'Peace be still!' And the storm died down and it was completely calm."

Remembering what Jesus' Disciples did, I cried out to God. "Lord," I said, "Please calm the storms in my life." In His gentle firm voice He said, "Peace be still!" And suddenly, just as it happened so long ago there was a calmness and peace in my life. The storms began to dissipate. The trials stopped and sanity returned. I was scooped out and placed in a new church. Peace and support surrounded me and calmness was restored to my life once again.

Are you facing trials and difficulties in your life today? Maybe it's time you cry out to the Lord of the universe just as I did. Ask Him to calm the storms in your life. Tell Him you feel like you will drown. God will hear your prayers and He will bring peace back into your life again. He will help you just as He did His disciples so long ago. God wants us to pray to Him and talk to Him and tell Him about our difficulties. No challenge or difficulty is too hard for Him. If He can calm the wind and the waves don't you think He can calm the storms in our lives too?

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