Pressing On

A goal looms in my mind that seems so impossible to achieve. My plan is to complete it twelve times per month but so far in the past month I have only managed to do it two times. Every time I make a little headway, I have a setback. Something unforeseen happens and I'm suddenly fighting a hurdle that leaves me so drained and exhausted that I have no time to pursue this goal. It's like I'm out in the ocean treading water as I try desperately to stay afloat. In doing so all I can focus on is that one task, not sinking. I've been in survival mode for more years than I care to think about. Just when I catch my breath another wave hits me and for a time I'm back under water. I'm simply going through the motions of survival. Why do I continue to remain in the ocean treading water? I ache for this survival mode to end. I'd love to just push fast forward on the remote and breeze past the tough stuff but these challenging moments are in slow motion and every part of my being is fighting through difficulties so great that it's all I can do to push myself forward, to survive so I do the best I can. Daily I accomplish the most important tasks I must do: worship, pray, journal, work, eat and sleep and when I finally catch my breath I tackle this goal. I feel like a snail as my progress is so minimal but two times is better than zero times. I push forward one painful step at a time. Sometimes it's just one painful step at a time but I won't give up. In time this objective will be achieved.
Paul summed this concept up so well in Philippians 3:12-15. He said, "I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
What is it you are struggling to do? Know that you are not alone. Each of us are straining toward a goal. May we not lose site of our dreams and ambitions. God knows and He will give us the strength and ability to achieve these aspirations.