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Writing is something that keeps me sane and has for over thirty years but even long before then I wrote. A few weeks ago my grandmother sent me letters I composed to her when I was a child. I realized that even then I was writing. But my awakening to the world of writing truly began when I was in eighth grade. We had the most amazing reading teacher that year, Mrs. Maddox and she opened the door to creative writing. I don't remember now exactly what she did but I do know that she made writing fun and that was the foundation for my writing of today.

What Mrs. Maddox planted in a seed took root when Mrs. Jensen became my English teacher. In her class my writing continued to grow. But my writing really took root when my Bible teacher, Pastor Francois, began teaching me. That year he challenged us to journal so I began writing letters to God about what I studied in the Bible. From that point on my journal entries always began with, "Dear Lord." My writing took off from that point on and hardly a day has gone by that I have not written.

God in His goodness planted a seed in my life that eventually took root and grew. I am so thankful for this seed that was planted because it has been my sanity point during the most intense difficulties of my life. Writing has provided an outlet to my pain. It is the avenue that I used to survive my grief and all the years of isolation and difficulty as I raised my children as a single parent.

Thank you Mrs. Maddox, Mrs. Jensen and Pastor Francois for instilling in me a lifelong love for writing. This is something I will always treasure. Writing will always be a blessing to me.

Has God planted a seed in your life? Is there an area where God provided people to help you see a gift He gave to you? My prayer is that you will see the blessing of that gift in your life and use it to glorify God.

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